Special Thanks to our Sponsors: Medi-Share and The Tuttle Twins

Reasonable Faith: The Scientific Case for Christianity

Workshop Speaker: Dr. Jay Wile

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About This Workshop

This seminar is based on Dr. Jay L. Wile’s book, Reasonable Faith: The Scientific Case for
Christianity. It provides a step-by-step argument that shows science provides an enormous amount of evidence for the validity of the Christian faith. He first demonstrates how natural science clearly points to the existence of a Creator. He then shows how historical and social science show that the best source of information regarding the Creator is the Holy Bible. Finally, he shows the objective medical and historical evidence that indicates the Bible has, indeed, been inspired by God. Pulling from such broad scientific disciplines as nuclear physics, chemistry, biology, archaeology, literary criticism, sociology, medicine, and historical science, Dr. Wile’s argument is extremely persuasive. Everyone who leaves this seminar will have increased faith in the reality of the Christian experience.