Great Homeschool Conventions are the Homeschooling Events of the Year, offering outstanding speakers, hundreds of workshops on today’s top parenting and homeschooling topics, and the largest homeschool curriculum exhibit halls in the USA. The five (5) regional conventions that we promote and produce each year consistently draw attendees from approximately 38 states!
We believe passionately in the God-given right and responsibility of parents to train and educate their children, and work together with our partner, the USA Home Education Association, to provide these annual conventions, to provide encouragement to homeschooling families and to recommend resources for homeschool families to be aware of.
An Important Note
Though our Christian faith helps to guide how we structure the convention, we do not require that speakers and exhibitors be in total agreement with our Statement of Faith. So, whereas we absolutely will not schedule a speaker or approve an exhibitor that is specifically “anti‐Christian,” we do have speakers and exhibitors that are not specifically “Christian” but that do have incredible knowledge, information, and/or curriculum that is applicable and valuable for homeschoolers, both Christian and non-Christian.
Because this convention is an education forum, we do not propose to “filter” everything, allowing you to see or hear only what we have approved. We believe that you, as parents and educators, are capable of judging and making intelligent decisions for yourself and your family. Our conventions are designed to help a broad spectrum of homeschoolers and people considering homeschooling. They are not, however, denominational meetings to formulate uniformity of belief and practice.
If you have a question or would like to suggest a vendor or speaker that you would like to see at one of our conventions, please email us at: [email protected]
GHC Recommends
The following are resources that we encourage homeschooling families to be familiar with.
The Home School Legal Defense Association is a non-profit advocacy organization that has been critically important in making homeschooling possible by protecting homeschooling families and equipping them to provide the best educational experience for their children. HSLDA has been trusted for over 40 years to care for homeschooling families as they work to safeguard their freedom and secure the future of home education.
Peggy Ployhar, founder and CEO, has held leadership positions in the special education homeschooling community for 2 decades. Her vision for SPED Homeschool is to create an organization that unites the special education homeschooling community to provide parents a consistent and trustworthy base of support, encouragement and resources. Alongside her husband Doug, she resides in League City, TX, having successfully homeschooled all three of their children for 19 years until their graduation.
Case Maker Academy (FREE online resource for kids)
J. Warner and Suzie Wallace have been training young people in the church setting for over a decade. J. Warner is a cold-case homicide detective who has been featured on Dateline, FOX News, TruTV and other crime related television shows. A former atheist, he is the author of Cold-Case Christianity, God’s Crime Scene, and Forensic Faith. He has a master’s degree in theology, and is founder of ColdCaseChristianity.com. Suzie has a master’s degree in speech pathology and co-writes (and edits) all the kids books in this series. J. Warner and Suzie have four children and live in Southern California.
How do you describe economics to a 7-year-old? Should your preteen care about the government? Are your kids learning about the free market in class?
While there are many books to teach these ideas to adults, there has been a profound void in the children’s literature market. The Tuttle Twins series closes the gap, helping parents convey the principles of freedom to their kids in a fun way.
Each book in this series focuses on a different aspect of the principles of a free society: free markets, competition, individual rights, the non-aggression principle, personal responsibility, protectionism, and a variety of other issues—all boiled down to core concepts that children of different ages can easily grasp.
Athletes, coaches, parents, fans – networking and working together locally, regionally and nationally with homeschool sports opportunities. From the website: “After putting on the “new man” (Christ), we proudly then put on our homeschool uniforms for that next chance to change hearts and minds as we play for that audience of ONE.”