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Simplifying Homeschooling Laws in Texas: Your Go-To Resource

November 14, 2023

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Are you considering homeschooling your child in Texas? You're not alone! Homeschooling is becoming increasingly popular in the state, and for good reason. It allows parents to have more control over their child's education and tailor it to their specific needs. However, navigating the legal aspects can be overwhelming. That's where we come in. In this blog post, we will simplify the homeschooling laws in Texas and provide you with a go-to resource for all your questions. From eligibility criteria to curriculum requirements, record-keeping to testing requirements, and even financial considerations - Great Homeschool Conventions got you covered! We will also explore the various communities in Texas and resources for special needs students and high schoolers. So, whether you're just starting or are a seasoned homeschooler, be sure to check with your local school board and read on for valuable insights into making your journey in Texas a success.

Understanding the Popularity of Homeschooling in Texas

The popularity of homeschooling in Texas is driven by several factors. Many families choose homeschooling as an alternative to traditional public education because it allows them to tailor their child's education to their specific needs, interests, and learning style. The flexibility in scheduling and curriculum is also a major attraction. Homeschooling provides the opportunity for students to learn at their own pace and delve deeper into subjects of interest.

Homeschooling Laws in Texas

Homeschooling in Texas is legal, with specific laws and regulations in place to ensure educational standards are met. Parents have the authority to make educational decisions for their homeschooled children, following the guidelines set by the Texas Education Code and the Texas Administrative Code. While homeschooled students are not required to take state-mandated tests, some families choose to do so. This allows home educators in Texas to have peace of mind, knowing that they are providing a quality education within the bounds of the law, as confirmed by the Texas Supreme Court in TEA v. Leeper. Additionally, understanding the specifics of Texas homeschool laws is crucial for families who choose to educate their children at home.

A black mallet and gavel

Eligibility Criteria for Homeschooling

In Texas, any child of school age, as defined by state law, is eligible for homeschooling. Parents or parental authority have the responsibility to ensure that their child receives education in subjects like reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and good citizenship. As long as families meet certain requirements, homeschooled students are exempt from public school attendance laws, meaning they are not required to attend school every school day. This flexibility allows Texas families to tailor their child's education to their needs, interests, and learning style while following the homeschool laws, including submitting a letter of intent, grade placement, and making educational decisions. Eligibility for homeschooling in Texas begins at six years of age and ends at 19 years of age.

A child writing

Regulation of Homeschooling in Texas

In Texas, homeschoolers are regulated by state laws rather than local school districts. The Texas Education Agency oversees homeschooling to ensure compliance with state law. Homeschooled students are not bound by public school district policies or regulations. According to Texas law, homeschoolers are recognized as bona fide private school students, which grants them educational freedom. Homeschoolers in Texas receive support from homeschool groups, online programs, and resources that help them navigate the state's home school laws.

Requirements to Homeschool in Texas

Homeschooling in Texas requires compliance with specific requirements to ensure a quality education. Subjects like reading, spelling, math, and good citizenship must be taught by parents. A written curriculum, outlining goals and activities, is necessary. Homeschooled students have scheduling flexibility and can explore subjects of interest. Tailoring education to their needs and learning style is encouraged. Texas offers the freedom to educate children at home while providing support through homeschool groups and resources.

Curriculum Requirements

Homeschooling laws in Texas require homeschooled students to receive education in core subjects like reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and good citizenship. Parents have the flexibility to choose curriculum, resources, and teaching methods that align with their child's education, including their child's education in the state of Texas. Homeschoolers in Texas have access to a wide range of curriculum options, online programs, and support groups to ensure homeschooling success. The curriculum choices available in the state of Texas allow families to customize their child's education based on their interests, needs, and learning style.

A child writing on a board

Record-Keeping and Testing Requirements

While homeschooling students in Texas are not obligated to take state-mandated tests, families have the option to do so if they choose. However, it is essential for homeschoolers to maintain records of their curriculum, educational activities, and student progress, including student id cards. These records can include portfolios showcasing their work, educational field trips, and other enriching experiences. By keeping meticulous records, homeschool families can document their child's educational achievements, grade placement, and educational decisions. To navigate record-keeping and testing requirements, Texas homeschoolers can rely on local homeschool groups, online programs, and additional resources available to them.

Financial Considerations for Homeschooling

Homeschooling offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional education, allowing parents to budget for materials and resources. Exploring free online educational resources can save money on curriculum, and taking advantage of homeschool group discounts and local resources in Fort Worth can help offset expenses. Planning field trips and educational activities within a budget makes homeschooling affordable. With careful financial considerations, homeschooling in Texas can provide a high-quality education without breaking the bank. 

The Cost of Homeschooling in Texas

A mother and a child writing

Homeschooling in Texas comes with a range of costs depending on curriculum choices and resources. Expenses may include materials, online programs, field trips, and supplies. Some families opt to join homeschool co-ops, adding additional fees. It's important to evaluate needs versus wants and budget effectively for expenses. Utilizing public library resources can help reduce costs, but it's important to note that homeschooling does not exempt families from paying property taxes in Texas. With careful planning, homeschooling can be an affordable and rewarding educational option in Texas.

Homeschooling Communities in Texas

Connecting with homeschooling families in Texas provides support, resources, and socialization opportunities. Local homeschool support groups offer guidance, curriculum recommendations, and educational activities. Online communities and social media groups connect homeschoolers across Texas, such as the Texas Home Educators. Homeschool conventions, workshops, and conferences provide networking opportunities. Homeschool co-ops offer educational, social, and extracurricular activities for Texas homeschoolers. Join these communities, including the Texas Home School Coalition, to enhance your child's education and find a supportive network of fellow homeschoolers. Additionally, specific communities, like those in homeschooling in Austin Texas, offer tailored support and resources for homeschooling families.

Special Needs Homeschooling in Texas

Homeschooling in Texas offers flexibility, individualized education, and support for students with special needs. Accessing resources, support groups, and online curriculum designed specifically for special needs homeschoolers can help parents navigate the homeschooling journey. Collaborating with special needs homeschool support groups, educators, and therapists provides guidance and expertise. Adapting curriculum and utilizing tailored educational resources ensures a successful homeschooling experience for special needs students in Texas.

A child behind a desk

Resources and Support for Special Needs Homeschooling

While homeschooling can provide flexibility and individualized education for students with special needs in Texas, it's essential to have access to resources and support such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and other services recommended in the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). Online support groups, forums, and educational resources specifically cater to special needs homeschoolers in Texas. Local therapy centers, educational consultants, and support groups can offer guidance and advice. Connecting with other special needs homeschoolers, educators, and therapists through online groups and homeschool conventions can provide invaluable support and educational insights. Exploring state and local special education resources, programs, and support groups can also enhance the special needs homeschooling journey. Utilizing online therapy services, educational websites, and curriculum designed for special needs students can further support special needs homeschoolers in Texas.

Two girls looking at a book

High School Homeschooling in Texas

High school homeschooling in Texas offers flexibility, personalized education, and preparation for higher education or careers. Understanding high school credit requirements, graduation options, and diploma programs is essential for homeschoolers, including homeschool graduates. Dual enrollment programs, online courses, and educational partnerships provide opportunities for college credit. Utilizing homeschool curriculum, online resources, and educational support groups ensures meeting state graduation requirements for homeschool education. Engaging in extracurricular activities, community service, and internships enhances the high school homeschooling experience in Texas.

Do Schools Partner with Homeschoolers in Texas?

Texas public school districts offer homeschoolers opportunities to engage in activities such as sports and clubs. Homeschooled students can access resources through these districts, and some private schools also provide classes. This collaboration benefits students with a diverse education and community involvement in school activities.


Homeschooling in Texas provides families with the flexibility to customize their children's education. It is important to understand the legal aspects, requirements, and financial considerations before embarking on this educational journey. Homeschooling communities offer support and resources, while special needs homeschooling and high school homeschooling require additional considerations. Additionally, some schools may have partnerships with homeschoolers. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to Great Homeschool Conventions today. We are here to help you navigate through the complexities and make homeschooling a rewarding experience for you and your child.

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