Homeschooling in Wisconsin Made Easy

May 1, 2023

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When I look back at the start of my homeschool journey, I remember thinking, "What's the easiest way to go about this?"

At that time, finding homeschooling resources wasn't as easy as it is today. Figuring out state laws and tips and connecting with other families haven't always been readily available.

That's why we're here, doing what we do for families like you.

We want to help you see just how easy homeschooling in Wisconsin can be and how it can benefit your family.

Homeschool Laws

When parents first hear "homeschool laws," they immediately get overwhelmed at the thought of having to comply with a laundry list of laws and regulations. In truth, homeschool laws, especially in Wisconsin, are easy to adapt to.

What Are the Laws?

  • Send a Letter of Intent

  • Teach Required Subjects

  • No Educational Requirements for Teaching

  • No Assessments Required

Parents in Wisconsin are always surprised that they don't need a teaching degree to homeschool. Unlike public or private schools, the Wisconsin Department of Education states that parents aren't required to have a minimum educational experience to homeschool their children.

A gavel and a mallet on a book

Even though Wisconsin is very lenient on educational background, there are still a few required subjects you want to include in your child's curriculum.

We see these subjects found in most homeschool programs, so teaching them to your child should be easily accessible. These subjects are reading, social studies, science, mathematics, language arts, and health.

Dates and Locations

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March 14-16

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March 21-23

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April 4-6

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June 13-15

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July 6-8

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Some homeschooling families prefer to request a curriculum copy from their local school district or private school to draw inspiration from.

Wisconsin school districts require you to send a letter of intent every school year stating how many children you have in your homeschool. They keep this information on file so they can check win with your child's progress if needed. Compulsory attendance is required for students 6-18 in the state of Wisconsin.

There are also no assessment requirements for your child. I'm sure your child appreciates the freedom of not having to test regularly, although if testing is how you prefer to track your child's progress feel free to implement your own version of this practice.

Why Homeschooling in Wisconsin is Superior

A child holding a book and a pencil

Homeschooling programs give you and your family a sense of freedom that isn't experienced in public schools. You pick the curriculum, and you can choose from many online courses to fit your child's needs and interests.

Having a home-based private educational experience gives your child a unique perspective on learning and supports their growth in ways that public instruction education doesn't. Your child deserves enough time to focus on their education and the ability to move through it at their own pace.

Think about why you are considering pulling your child from public education. Is it because they aren't doing well in a traditional classroom setting? Is it because you don't want them to learn certain subjects or want to add certain subjects to their curriculum? Or maybe it's a combination of the two.

Whatever your reason is, having a home based private educational program gives you the freedom to resolve these issues and give your child exactly what they need to succeed.

Where to Start?

If you're new to the homeschool scene, take a look at some of our other resources so you can learn the ins and outs of homeschooling.

From there, consider joining a homeschool group or co-op. These groups are full of homeschool families that you and your child can network with and find support. These groups are a great way to socialize your child, participate in extracurricular activities, and help your children build long-lasting friendships.

If you're seriously considering homeschooling, we hope this short guide motivates you to take the first step forward and gives you the encouragement you need to succeed.

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