Special Thanks to our Sponsors: Medi-Share and The Tuttle Twins

Chart Your Own Course: The High School Years

Workshop Speaker: Carrie De Francisco

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About This Workshop

Homeschooling high school is easier than you think. The key to successfully homeschooling high school is to start with the end in mind. It is never too early to start praying about high school and looking ahead. In this session, Carrie explains what is required, gives tips on meeting those requirements in creative ways, and encourages the most fearful moms that homeschooling through high school is not only doable but can be enjoyable too!

In this session, Carrie shares how to:

• Use the high school years to discern God's purpose and plan for your teen's life

• Design a 4-Year Plan for High School

• Create transcripts & how to determine high school credit

• Meet state graduation requirements in both traditional and non-traditional ways

• Capitalize on the freedom and flexibility of homeschooling high school

• Prepare for college admissions for the college-bound teen

• Include AP, CLEP, Honors, & Community College Dual Enrollment,

• and more...

Come with your fears, challenges, and questions. The best part is the Q & A Session at the end.