Special Thanks to our Sponsors: Medi-Share and The Tuttle Twins


Kelly Rowe




Special Tracks


Kelly Rowe holds a Bachelors in Elementary Education and a Masters in Early Childhood and Development. After graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill, she married Jeff, a structural engineer and business owner, and they are parents to 9 children, ages 25 to 12 years of age; two of whom have gone on to their heavenly home, and one daughter-in-law. Being a believer in Jesus, a wife, a mother, and a home-school mom have been the priorities and joys of her adult life. Kelly and Jeff currently serve on a local homeschool support group board and the board of SC Home Educators Association since 2013. She is a member of the SC Governor's Commission and Foundation Board, sits on the Palmetto Alliance Conservative Foundation Board, and intermittently works for a political consulting firm. She has served as a board member for a local Republican Women’s Club, as a Vice-Chair for the Spartanburg County GOP, and as a legislative liaison in several capacities. She enjoys babies and children, cooking, flower gardening, reading, singing, bird watching, and event planning. The Rowe family has been a part of NCFCA since 2017 and attends First Baptist Church Mt. Pleasant in SC. Kelly lives, loves, laughs, cries, and writes with the Tribe in the Lowcountry of SC, but occasionally in Upcountry SC, Connecticut, or wherever she finds herself.

GHC 2024
