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Dr. Renton Rathbun




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Renton has been a classroom teacher for over two decades. His teaching experience has included both secular and Christian institutions ranging from high school to college. He and his wife homeschooled their son Daniel who is now in college. Renton has spoken for homeschool venues such as The Foundations Summit, The Canadian Homeschool Symposium, Teach Them Diligently, Great Homeschool Conventions, Rocky Mountain Homeschool Convention, and others. He has also preached in a variety of churches across the US. Renton holds a BS in English Education and an MA in interpretive speech from Bob Jones University. He also received an MFA in creative writing from Minnesota State University, an MA in philosophy from the University of Toledo, a ThM from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and has a PhD in apologetics from Westminster Theological seminary. Renton is presently the director of the Center for Biblical Worldview at Bob Jones University as well as a Biblical Worldview National Consultant at BJU Press.

GHC 2024
