Convention Philosophy

Great Homeschool Conventions, Inc. is a conservative Christian organization and avowedly “young-earth.” Notwithstanding, Great Homeschool Conventions, Inc. is an education forum.

Though our Christian faith helps to guide how we structure the convention, we do not require that speakers and exhibitors be in total agreement with our Statement of Faith. So, whereas we absolutely will not schedule a speaker or approve an exhibitor that is specifically “anti‐Christian,” we do have speakers and exhibitors that are not specifically “Christian” but that do have incredible knowledge, information, and/or curriculum that is applicable and valuable for homeschoolers, both Christian and non-Christian.

Because this convention is an education forum, we do not propose to “filter” everything, allowing you to see or hear only what we have approved. We believe that you, as parents and educators, are capable of judging and making intelligent decisions for yourself and your family. Our conventions are designed to help a broad spectrum of homeschoolers and people considering homeschooling. They are not, however, denominational meetings to formulate uniformity of belief and practice.

We disavow “groupthink,” as we believe that it is incumbent upon parents to teach children to think critically, to be able to access a broad spectrum of knowledge, and to formulate reasoned conclusions as individuals. Such a foundation should enable them to defend their faith and their worldview as they move through successive levels of education and into the workplace.

To this end, we believe that educators (parents) cannot be closed-minded to differing opinions. Though I may understand my own position very well, I cannot defend it properly unless I am informed regarding other points of view. Such an approach makes for a well-rounded education and, if properly inculcated, a well-grounded student.

We welcome diversity of opinion, as legitimate questions and alternate viewpoints may be found within a variety of subjects. This must not be construed to imply that we are indiscriminate or undiscerning with respect to our speakers or exhibitors. Biblical values are foundational to a cohesive and just society; they cannot be ignored nor posited within a vacuum.

Our speakers are invited guests and are free to present their subject matter as clearly and cogently as they are able. In so doing, they may offer opinion, philosophy, or conviction that differs greatly from that of another.

Speakers are not, however, permitted to call out, name, or attack another speaker/colleague in a way that disparages that person’s character or the validity of their position. A speaker’s presentation should be able to stand on its own merits. For this reason, we believe Christian scholars should be heard, in the same forum, without fear of ostracism or ad hominem attacks.

The Convention philosophy, therefore, seeks to honor the Lord Jesus Christ, while providing homeschool families with the broadest range of excellent materials and resources.