Those homeschoolers who really want to fine-tune their child’s education often settle on the Eclectic homeschooling style.
Also known as “doing school at home”, the traditional homeschooling style makes the most sense for some families, especially if children are coming out of the public school system.
The idea of Unit Studies as a style of homeschooling makes a tremendous amount of sense. Studying one particular “unit” over the course of all relevant subjects, depending on your child’s grade level, does more than just instill knowledge. It helps to satisfy curiosity, teach organization of depth of research, and could be a great way to stay on track, especially for those children who are just naturally busy.
Much like many of the other homeschooling styles, the Montessori homeschooling style focuses on allowing children to learn at a pace that suits their potential and development. It helps to encourage a child’s confidence, independence, dignity, and self-awareness.
The Classical homeschooling style centers around teaching children to become lifelong learners by focusing on classic academics and language learning.
Judging solely from the name, ‘Unschooling’ seems like a complete and utter departure from education, but it is certainly not. In fact, for some students, Unschooling could be the key that unlocks their academic abilities.
Some families simply begin with the understanding that homeschool is NOT “school at home,” while others might not be entirely sure about how to get started. And that’s okay!
Everyone has different learning styles, and for those of us who homeschool, it can be helpful to determine some of the ways each of your children processes and retains information.