Special Thanks to our Sponsors: Medi-Share and The Tuttle Twins

How Are Imperfect and Flawed Parents Supposed to Raise Valiant Children?

Workshop Speaker: Monica Irvine

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About This Workshop

Parents, we are imperfect. We are flawed. We don’t always do or say the right thing. We
don’t always react to our children like we should. We don’t always make good parenting
decisions. So how is this supposed to work? How are our children going to be
successful, happy and productive if the people teaching them and raising them often don’t
know what to do or how to do it? If you worry that you aren’t enough or that you’ve
already made so many mistakes that you’re not sure it’s not too late, then come and listen
to motivational speaker Monica Irvine give you peace and hope. There’s only one person
who wants you to feel inadequate, helpless and overwhelmed and it’s not God.