Special Thanks to our Sponsors: Medi-Share and The Tuttle Twins

The Very Best, Hands-On, Kinda Dangerous Family Devotions

Workshop Speaker: Timothy Shoemaker

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About This Workshop

Teaching our kids about God and the principles he’s given us to live by…we know we need to do this—but how do we do it in a way where kids will listen—even teens? Tim will demonstrate practical, powerful object lessons in this “how-to” and “hands-on” session so that you leave equipped to do the job at home—even if you’ve tried and failed before. Simple things like a microwave, leaf blower, toaster, and more will be used to teach lessons kids will never forget!

Here are some things we’ll cover…

-The kind of character we want our kids to develop… and how to help them get there.

-The practical mandate to train our kids spiritually and how it protects our kids

-4 positive payoffs to teaching our kids spiritually

-8 live demos of object lessons you can do—now

-13 tips maximize your effectiveness teaching the kids… & to keep you from quitting