Rob Currie, Ph.D.



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Dr. Rob Currie accepted Christ as Savior when he was seven years old. He graduated from a Christian high school and college. He has daily devotions, attends church every week, and leads a small group Bible study. Since earning a Ph.D. in psychology, he has taught at Judson University, a Christian university near Chicago.

Parents who attend Dr. Currie’s presentations at national parenting conferences and homeschool conventions say his advice empowers them to connect powerfully with their kids. He illustrates key concepts by sharing engaging stories and translating those ideas into practical parenting tips with a dash of humor. Audiences appreciate the insights he draws from being a homeschool parent and raising two sons. He has worked in three preschools and taught in a variety of church settings including Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, Awana, Pioneers, and children’s church. He has also worked with psychiatric patients, drug addicts, runaway teens, and coached a boys’ basketball team. He has taught child and adolescent psychology at Judson University for twenty-five years.

Dr. Currie is the award-winning author of Hungry for More of God, Preschool Wisdom: What Preschoolers Desperately Want to Tell their Parents, and Hunger Winter: A World War II Novel. Published by Tyndale and endorsed by the Corrie ten Boom Foundation, the book is for 4th-8th graders studying history or language arts, Hunger Winter: His articles have appeared in Focus on the Family Magazine, Christian Home and School, The Children's Corner, The Chicago Tribune Online, and The Detroit News.


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