Deahdra-Lynn Atencio



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Deahdra-Lynn Atencio is a wife, mom, author and has been home educating for years. She and her husband pulled their oldest out of school after 4 th grade. Working more than a year ahead in math, they knew he needed a challenging math program that was more than "just another ditto." Aware her own dyslexia could possibly be passed to her children, she wanted a program that would meet those specific needs as well. RightStart was the perfect fit for everyone! With four children having completed RightStart so far, she looks forward to starting with the youngest soon. Passionate about helping families at all stages, she has worked in several different roles. She has a degree in Sign Language Studies and worked briefly at the California School for the Deaf in Fremont. She has taught natural childbirth classes, written a unique parenting book, and is active in the family ministries at her church. She looks forward to what the next stages of life have to teach her.
